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Ney Torres became Financially Free at 25.

Here he interviews his mentors and people on the top of their game.

To find what they do, how they do it and why they do it.


Give you the road map to understand money and wealth strategies so you can figure what works for you or how to implement those nuggets of wisdom to your business and personal finances and live.

Dec 13, 2020

In this episode we talk about the hustle and years of hard work that Mariusz had to go though as he is facing an amazing return on investment in his stocks now.

Mariusz is up 5000% and I think this investment will eventually get him to 400X (40000%). In an industry where 10% a year is outstanding result. 

This is a...

Dec 8, 2020

A beginner trader on her journey of self-discovery, spiritual awakening, and she might just pick up "financial freedom" along the way